Saturday, May 19, 2012

Welcome to India

I have been in India for nearly three weeks (yes this is my first blog post). I am staying in a small village called Chavadi Purdur. It is located in the state of Tamil Nadu an hour outside of the city of Coimbatore (nearly bordering the state of Kerala.... I'll post a map later). Just to give some context, I am interning at Shanti Ashram, a Gandhian organization and researching prenatal healthcare. I am thankfully not alone. Four BYU students are with me, Laura (I say hallelujah everyday that I am not the only girl), Steve, Josh, and Nate. To make the scattered post that will follow somewhat intelligible I will give a brief overview of my journey thus far. I arrived in New Delhi at the end of April. I then flew to Chennai (or Madras- the capital of Tamil Nadu) where I met up with my group. We stayed there for two days. We were taken care of by the most amazing Indian family (also Mormon), Joshua (the father), Mercy (the mother), Zibiah and Solomon. We then took a ten hour train ride to the city of Coimbatore. We stayed there for a day or so then continued on the final destination of Chavadi Purdur where I will be living until August. 

1 comment:

  1. Emma! I was in this same village in 1994 for a BYU anthropological internship! We were the first larger group of BYU students to arrive there and 3 of us taught English to children and observed life in and around Chavadi. We lived in the small branch church there. I see this is the only post? Did you live to tell more of this tale?
