Monday, April 2, 2012

Less than a month

As class wind down, papers abound, and finals approach I find myself more and more just thinking about India. I have been looking forward to May for so long, but now that the end is in sight I feel like it is entirely too soon. It's been a year of big changes for me, my first year of going to college and being away from my family has been difficult. I was hesitant at first to go to India because I was certain I would not be able to handle being away from my family for that long. However, with reassurance from my parents and buddies from field studies, I decided to go ahead. I am so glad that I did. I was devastated to hear that the field studies program is being eliminated. I am so grateful I was able to participate their last year. It is an amazing program. The loss will be sorely felt.

I prepare for yet another huge change, but this time more prepared. I may be in a foreign country that speaks a language I can barely understand, but I have learned so much from Venkat. I may not be able to speak to my family very often, but I can always pray to my Heavenly Father. I will not have many people I know, but I am so grateful for our great little India group. I am nervous to go, but I know I am prepared and will face my challenges with optimism and faith.

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