Friday, March 16, 2012

Annotated Source- Birth on the Threshold

Cecilia Coale Van Hollen. Birth on the threshold childbirth and modernity in South India c2003

I recently started reading an amazing book called "Birth on the Threshold". The author, Ceilia Can Hollen takes the generally western argument of home birth verses hospital birth and brings it to the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. She finds that while women amenable to western obstetric "interventions", there is still vast inequality in access to quality healthcare. Her aim is not to demonstrate the superiority of hospital birth, in fact she explores quality at home births. She explores the concept of sakthi, the idea the Tamil women derive power from their own suffering. She travels through these women's feelings contradictory feelings, namely their criticism of caste, gender, and class inequality yet recognize their part in perpetuating the system. I was thrilled when Ashley recommended this book. It is exactly what I have been looking for. I look forward to reading it more. 

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