Friday, March 16, 2012

In class Wednesday we discussed entering the community. We made social situation triangles to help us think about where we will find our target research populations and what we will be doing everyday. We then wrote about entering the community. I will include some of the questions and answers here.

1.  Which communities will you be seeking entrance to?
In short, I will be seeking to enter the world of women, especially mothers and mothers to be.

2. What is your primary project site/social situation?
My primary site is the Shanti Ashram.  I will also be interviewing women in their homes.

3. Is it suitable for your proposed project and why (consider logistical and safety concerns)?
The Shanti Ashram will be a great site to find women from all of the surrounding communities. They are accustomed to the NGO. As an intern I will be less intrusive than if I were to just enter their homes.

4. List possible sites (social situations within your primary site/social situation and whether they are open or closed sites (include those that would be appropriate for your project even if inaccessible).
Some open sites include the Shanti Ashram, the bus, the village, and various women's homes. It would be interesting to enter the community of a midwife or traditional style doctor. This may no be a possibility however.

We discussed how being able to answer these questions will prepare us to be able to still continue on with our project when things go wrong. If our plans fall through and our original plan are not panning out, being able to ask ourselves and answer these questions will help us be flexible and revamp our projects.

Here are some pretty pictures of saris.


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