Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Annotated Source- Amnesty International

Amnesty International report 2011: The state of the world’s human rights. Amnesty
Februrary 15, 2012).

Amnesty International wrote a scathing review on India human rights violations in 2011. Despite Indian pride in their free media and judicial system, Indian authorities managed to illegally hold dozens of protestors prisoner. Corporate accountability is almost nonexistent. Police forces have been known to use excessive force.  They were significantly more critical than Freedom House. However, Amnesty International has different purposes. While Freedom House attempts to be impartial, Amnesty International evaluates and condemns each country. They highlight the failings of governments and promote human rights. This would likely be an inappropriate source for my research question. They mentioned specific events rather than causal problems as a whole. They did not look for the root of the problem, but focused mainly on large events rather than insidious forces like the cultural marginalization of populations and attitudes towards women.

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