Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Annotated Source- "Our health is in our hands"

Narasimhan, Haripriya. 2007. "Our health is in our hands": Women making
decisions about health  care in tamilnadu, south india.Syracuse University. In PROQUESTMS ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT),

Tamil Nadu has relatively better healthcare than much of India. This study was conducted in an urban slum, a rural village, and an tribal "hamlet" (I love that word). The researcher observes the factors that contribute to women's choices when it comes to health as well as the factors that keep them from making those decisions. For example, women that have kin-marriages tend to have less bargaining power for health choices. The professional health-care sanctioned doctors tend to be extremely expensive, so many women forgo this option for qualified options. Additionally, some of these women instead self-diagnose, then deal directly with pharmacists. 

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