Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Reflection- Photography and Blogging

First off, if you are stressed as I am just meander on over to this website and feast your ears. You feel better already don't you?

I love photos. Unfortunately I have no talent with a camera. I have tried improving on my photography skills, but I really don't enjoy it. So I have decided instead to bring some sketchbooks with me. That way I can take field notes, write my personal thoughts, and sketch. As I have prepared for my this summer I found the most beautiful photography blog by Steve McCurry. He travels the world (concentrated in Asia) and takes lovely photos. He writes very little, but has some beautiful quotes up. I especially enjoy the India photography. Here are some of my favorites.

(all India)

 In all the hullabaloo of my days, the essays, reading, classes, blog posts, I forget how lucky I am to be able to study in India. Looking at these beautiful pictures has reminded me to appreciate the beautiful moments of my days. I will relish learning. I will even try to enjoy blogging. Plan to enjoy blogging. Be positive and tell myself I like it. Comment on my classmates' blogs. Everyone likes to be appreciated. Make it pretty. Be sincere.

Currently, my favorite blog is The Sartorialist. It's simple. He travels and takes photographs of normal people around the world. It's just crazy street fashion. A few years back, he went to New Delhi. Here are some of the photos. I really cannot contain my giddiness about Indian fashion. I cannot wait to buy some beautiful saris. Of course New Delhi is very different from Coimbatore, but I am delighted all the same.

 I know this isn't a real blog post Margaret; I'll write a responsible, academic one soon.

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