Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Annotated Source- Property Rights

Brule, Rachel. 2010. Changes in India's Property Rights Regime and the Implications for
Improved Gender Parity: Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Panel Data for 17 Indian States.  APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, Washington D.C. July 19.

Social tradition in India has prevented equality for women. Legislation has met little success. This paper uses mathematics to estimate the effects of several laws. These laws attempted to protect female inheritance. The findings suggest that while the law was not very effective, the households it affected spent more income on women. 

This source is very relevant to my research question. Current laws that protect women are scarce. What is it about these laws that cause families to spend more on their female daughters? If they inherit the property, parents may want to invest in females more, despite their gender. Understanding their impact can reveal forces that overcome tradition. 

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